Dec 25, 2009

Christmas, 5 years ago...

I wrote:
It's been a very long day here, but we are so happy Todd was here all day and did pretty well. He tried to rest as much as he could, but still visited a lot too. Kim, Josh, and Ashley stopped by around noon. Then Dan, Laura, the kids, Dave, Vicki, and Bobby came for dinner around 4. They were very considerate and all of them left by 7. I can tell now when Todd is hurting, and he was really having trouble for a little while, then he took his pain med and he's resting again. AND, the best news, the bleeding has stopped!!! :) I know him, and he won't call tomorrow afterall.....looks like I'll take him Monday as planned for blood work, and then early Tuesday for the biopsy. I bet he'll try to get out Monday night, too, but I'm really going to discourage that. If I didn't have so many responsibilities tomorrow, I would skip church to stay with him, but I think we'll go just for the first hour (or half). I'll see how he does tonight and how he is tomorrow a.m.

**Todd had an app't the Wednesday earlier this week; we were hoping he would have a scope done and they would find a blockage. Instead, the dr said the scope was too dangerous, and he scheduled him for a biopsy the following Tuesday. Todd promised he would call the dr Sunday (next day) because his pain was so bad again. Monday (in 2 days) was my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party...a LOT going on! God was good.**

Dec 19, 2009

5 Years Ago Later that Sunday Night...

I wrote:

The program went very well, but it was hard to see the kids singing without Daddy and the quartet he was practicing in as a trio. :( But it went well. Our van was loaded with a cake, cookies, brownies (shaped in gingerbread men!), and cards from people, and lots more "well-wishes," that were a bit too much for me tonight. We had a good crowd, despite the snow. It went well.

5 Years Ago...

I wrote:

This morning Trina helped the younger girls get dressed as I focused on Toby. Nathan practiced tying his tie last night until late, and he did well (with only a little of Abe's help). Everyone at church was wonderful. Lots of hugs. Lots of tears. But I did ok, cuz I was in the nursery for Sunday School, then in JR Church for the morning service....I was very preoccupied! I only cried when people would come up to me and give me a hug or say they were praying. The ladies in my Bible Study group were crying right with me, and even though it was embarrassing, they were so sweet. And no one even knows what is going on!! They only know that Todd was coming home today and going back for more tests after the holidays. I was overcome with their compassion. Everyone wants to do something, but there's really nothing to do. Since he's the song leader, he was really missed and it seemed so quiet without his cheery "Good morning! Welcome to Immanuel Baptist Church!" :)

Todd's home. I hate this. He's sleeping. He said the urologist is going to do another test Wednesday, still thinking it could be a large blood clot causing the blockage. Todd doesn't know who to believe or what to believe, because everything is so conflicting right now. I may try to get ahold of his urologist, who told Todd today that he thinks it would be ok for him to go back to work tonight. Todd is completely wiped out right now and I don't know how he will have the strength to go to work, yet I know him, and since the dr said that, I know he will try to go, and that just scares me to death. The dr said if he has any more bleeding or blockage, to go right to the hospital. Todd won't do that if he's working. He'll keep working till the job's done, like Friday. ugh. I'm praying he just feels too tired to go in tonight.

5 Years Ago, Yesterday...

I wrote:

I just got off the phone with him and the dr told him this morning that there is some type of blockage to his right kidney, and they thought it was a blood clot, but that doesn't explain how enlarged and swollen it is. So they are giving him an antibiotic, even though there is no signs of infection (no fever or anything) and possibly sending him home tomorrow. However, the other scenario may be that it is a tumor that is taking over that kidney (the dr said he's only seen that once in 20 years of practice), and so an oncologist (sp?) will see him this afternoon as well.

I'm scared.

Dec 18, 2009

Dec 17, 2009

5 Years Ago...

I wrote this:

Todd's in the hospital. They admitted him this evening after he came home from work in terrible pain. All the dr said to me was that they do not suspect a stone, but the right kidney was significantly swollen. One nurse told Todd it was a blood clot, the dr told him he thought it was cancer. They're running more tests tomorrow am.

I'm scared. Thanks for the prayers, Wendy

Dec 10, 2009

5 Years Ago...

I wrote this in an email as well:

Todd did say he was feeling better and the pain was lessening. We think he did pass a kidney stone last night. I really hope and pray so.

Dec 3, 2009

5 Years Ago...

Another journal entry...

Todd's back is continuing to give him a lot of pain, and now anxiety over wondering what is wrong. The blood work hasn't come back yet, so he's still waiting, and the MRI is next Wed. So, we're just waiting on all that.